08 September 2009

Back in the Exercise Saddle

photo of Koko on a ledge in the kitchenAfter more than a month of not doing my usual exercise routine, last week was my first full week back exercising. You see, I had taken a little "me time" and built a two-tier forty-foot retaining wall. So, after that wonderful vacation, I strapped-on my Total Gym and began anew. Yes, it was almost like starting all over again. Even though I was very active and using my muscles while building the wall, I was not using the same muscles in the way I normally do while exercising (Do you think I can make this sentence any longer or more confusing?).

After the first day back, I was extremely sore, but it felt good (if that makes any sense). The next day, I worked a totally different set of muscles: legs, stomach, and back. Without giving you a boring play-by-play, I will skip forward and let you know that by today, I was basically back to where I left off. Yes, it will take another day or two to get all the way back, but I am getting closer. Although I can't say that I missed not exercising, I do have to say that even though I ache all over, I feel great.

Now, if you need to skip your normal exercise routine for an extended period of time, when you start back up, you might want start a little bit slower than you normally would. Since your body is no longer used to your routine, it will take a little time for it to catch-up. So, if you find yourself not being able to run as far or lift as much weight as you used to, don't be discouraged, because you will soon be running and lifting at your old levels.

07 September 2009

My Almost Exercise-Free Day

photo of Koko in dresser drawer

I'm being lazy today, so I am going to republish an article that I wrote last year. I hope all of you had a great 3-day weekend.

Originally published as Weight for Weight on 11 July 2008. Hope you enjoy...

I'm sitting here writing this article and all the while, I'm being watched. It is an evil force that keeps my mind from writing. It keeps calling to me and mocking me for not doing what I should. I try to ignore it, but it's like that song you hear on the radio and just can't get out of your mind. I can't escape it. It's like a mantra I cannot ignore. It is..........my exercise machine.

Yes, it's my Total Gym. I have it in the living room only a few feet from me, because there isn't room for it in anywhere else. You see, I decided not to exercise today because I just don't feel like it. But I am in such a routine, that I feel REAL guilty if I skip a day. I know it won't hurt to not workout ONE day, but I can't escape this guilty feeling. I keep thinking that if I would have exercised like I usually do, I would be done by now. Don't you just hate that!

As I sit here, being taunted, I look at the clock and tell myself that I could be done by the time this TV show is over. Well, the show's over and I'm still sitting here. Oh well, I'm just going to get it over with. This procrastination is getting me nowhere.

Have you ever felt like this? It is surprising, that every time I come across a problem or roadblock in my fitness regime, I discover that I am not the first to experience it. I am not alone in this and neither are you. We can get through this together. Hang in there. I know I will.

Well, let's burn some calories.

06 September 2009

Thank You to My Advertisers: 8/31-9/6

As of November 2009, I will no longer be with Entrecard, so in order to free-up valuable file space, I have removed the images and contents from this page. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, I invite you to stop by my main page and see if there is anything of interest to you...

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