23 July 2008

Random Thoughts

photo of a person getting on a bus that has been painted as a shark.From time to time, I like to dust-off an old entry and introduce it once more. This happens to be one of those times (which means I can't think of anything to write about today). The original title was: Squirrels, Cats, and Lawnmowers and was published on April 8. Hope you enjoy...

When I first started writing a blog, I figured it would be a piece of cake. Just write a few lines and that would be it. Well, that is the farthest thing from the truth. Blogs require a great deal of thought and dedication. I want mine to be the best, so I strive to write articles with good content. I want to write articles about everyday life and how it affects us. However, there are those days, like today, when ideas just seem to flee. So, I revert to my old stand-by: BS. Well, I do have a college degree: its a BA (BAAA...sheepskin, get it?) not a BS, but I figure it's close enough.

  • Sometime ago, we installed a squirrel feeder in our backyard. I was somewhat reluctant do do this because I didn't think it would ever be used. Less than a week after I put it up, there were squirrels there. My question: how did they know it was there? Is there some type of squirrel Brian Williams that announces new feeder locations? Do they have a type of "eye in the sky" Feeder Report? This, to me, is a mystery.

  • Ever go into the kitchen and take-out the can opener only to discover that your cat, who was sleeping on the other side of the house, appears by your legs? What? Do they have the hearing of bats? Do they have a sort of cat sonar that picks-up "can-opener waves?"

  • You are alone in the house and it's late at night. Your cute little bundle of fur wakes from a sound sleep, goes to the doorway of a dark room and hisses. Do they actually see something? Do they sense something we can't? Or, is it some kind of private "cat joke," an initiation they must perform in order to become a full member of the cat gang.

  • You know, I love the sound of the lawn mower, especially when someone else is mowing our lawn.

  • I am going to share my tax return with two of my friends: MasterCard and Visa, aren't I nice?

  • You have bags of leftover Halloween candy in the house. It's December and you never ate it, so you take it to work and give it to your friends. That night, you end up going to the store to buy candy.

  • You wash your car and the next day....it doesn't rain. YES!! You feel like you are on the top of the world. You go to the store to buy a big steak to celebrate. When you come back to your car, you notice a huge pterodactyl has pooped right on the hood.

Well, I've been putting it off long enough, the lawn needs to be mowed. I guess I should go out there and watch my wife mow it. After all, I try to be a good husband.


  1. I enjoyed this post. Thanks for the laugh! I think this if the first time I found your site through entrecard and I love it! I am marking it as one of my favorites and adding a link to it to my blog. Now there, that should make your day!

  2. joseph smith: Thank you and I'm glad you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by:)

  3. karen zemek:Thank you very much for the comment and the recommendation. I also want to thank you for linking with me, as soon as I'm done here, I will do the same. Thanks again for stopping by:)

  4. Joseph Smith09 May, 2009 14:35

    I really like the randomness of your Especially all of the images, it makes your site fun to look at, as well as a great read.

    (Dead link removed. Comment originally made on...July 28, 2008 3:14 AM)


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