28 April 2009

Slowing Down for a Few Weeks

photo of koko in a small boxHi, I just wanted to let everyone know that I will probably not be posting as often as I have been. For the next few weeks, I will be extra busy with the homeschooling thing. You see, in addition to trying to get the regular school work completed on time, I am also helping my kids get prepared for the state tests they have to take. They have already taken the math portion, so the only two tests that they need to take are language and reading. Reading is not an issue, but the language portion has me tearing out what's left of my hair. Let's see: gerund phrases, predicate nominatives, and indefinite pronouns as antecedents, to name just a few. Now, what ever happened to the usual nouns and verbs that I grew up learning about. Why do we have to learn about this stuff? Oops, some more hair just came out of my head. You see, just writing about this stuff is making me go bald.

If this were not enough, they are also in the process of writing their middle school project, which happens to be on segregation. To reward their hard work on this project, I told them that I would publish their projects on my site. I was not expecting to see two faces staring back at me in abject fear. I realize that my site is not the best one out there, but I never imagined that just the thought of having something posted on it would bring about such an adverse reaction. There goes some more hair.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that, even thought I won't be posting as often, I'll still be lurking around the Internet and trying not to lose too much more hair. Oh, has anyone heard of a hosting company called Justhost.com?

26 April 2009

Thank You to My Advertisers: 4/20-4/26

As of November 2009, I will no longer be with Entrecard, so in order to free-up valuable file space, I have removed the images and contents from this page. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, I invite you to stop by my main page and see if there is anything of interest to you...

Everyday Living

23 April 2009

Friday Fotos: 4/24

Have a great weekend, everyone...

Read the bumper sticker just above the spare tire...
photo of an upside-down car with appropriate bumper sticker
courtesy of... carcino.gen.nz
According to the site, this is an actual bumper sticker.

Love this sign...
funny no parking sign
courtesy of... emailvirals.com

Just how fast can you run...
photo of a toilet sign on the great wall of china
courtesy of... funnyjunk.com

Just chill, dude...
photo of a cat in a refrigerator
courtesy of... bitsandpieces.us (edited to remove dead link)
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