10 June 2010

Friday Fotos: 6/11

Another pun, just for phun...
photo of a centaur in the center of a photo
courtesy of... somuchpun.com

09 June 2010

School's Out for Summer

Yes, now I have Alice Cooper's song playing in my head.

This about sums it up...
photo of koko laying on a ladder

08 June 2010

The Rose Manor Motel

Most summers when my sister and I were growing up, our family would take a trip to Portland, Oregon and spend four days traveling around the area. On the first night, we would go to a small diner in Oregon City and have the best fish and chips. The next day, we would go to Mount Hood and spend a few hours walking around at Timberline Lodge. I was actually lucky enough to have my picture taken with the Lassie and the ranger from the TV show (Yes, this was back in the late 60's and early 70's).

All this was said, because during my travels on the Internet, I came across a picture of the motel we always stayed at. I remember that we would leave at 3:30AM and even though my dad drove tweleve hours to get to Portland from Stockton, Califorina (this was before I-5 was completed), he would always take us swimming in the pool when we got there. I have to say that was one of the high points of the trip.
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