24 March 2011

Friday Fotos: 3/25

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Answer after the last foto...

photo of a dog and a bottle of wine...Bordeaux collie
courtesy of... somuchpun.com

23 March 2011

It's for the Birds

The Goldfinch are back in force this Spring. What you see in the photos that follow is pretty normal for most of the day. Usually there will be between 20 and 30 feeding at one time. In addition to the Goldfinch, we also have other feeders that are visited by doves, other finches, Red Winged Blackbirds, ducks (yep, they started to come back this week), starlings (who eat us out of house and home), the occasional hawk who comes for a quick meal, and squirrels (who have their own feeder).

photo of gold finch feeding on the feeder

17 March 2011

Friday Fotos: 3/18

It has been madness around here. I have been so busy with school stuff, that I haven't even been able to write articles for my site. I hope that I will soon be able to start visiting all of you more often and, of course, be able to post more articles.
Have a great weekend, everyone!

cartoon pun of a fish driving a tank: fish tank
courtesy of... somuchpun.com

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