03 November 2011

Friday Fotos: 11/3

It's hard to believe that it is November already. This weekend, I start the Thanksgiving Day cleaning craze. I really don't want to put it off for the last minute as I've done the past several years.

Anyway, have a great weekend, everybody!!!

cartoon of a water cooler wearing a leather jacket
courtesy of... somuchpun.com

Too Funny...

photo of a funny bumper sticker:when mommy drives, we close our eyes
courtesy of... lolpix.com

I'd think about running...

photo of an owl getting a shower and having a really mad-looking face
courtesy of... verydemotivational.com

You just KNOW that is what they are thinking...

photo of two cats circling someone laying on the ground: CSI cats
courtesy of... icanhascheezburger.com

02 November 2011

The Bird Cop

Here is a typical Fall day at our feeders. As you can see (sorry for the bad photo), it's pretty busy...

photo of a bunch of birds eating

30 October 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

The following is an short excerpt from my first book, "The Farm House." I hope you enjoy it.

Happy Halloween...

drawing of Rayku and Luna
Artwork courtesy of a very talented Katie Hicks

Pam came up behind him and asked, “What’re you looking at?”

“You remember that Scott and I boarded-up that door outside? Well, the reason we did it was because whatever it was that followed us to the cemetery, followed us from here. While you and Jen were up here, we went outside and followed the prints and they led to the door. Well, after we boarded it up, I felt a little guilty that whatever it was would be left out in the cold, so I went and got some hamburger and made a little trail to the storage room. I then made a little nest for it and gave it some water. Anyway, making a long story short, I just looked outside and the meat is gone and the storage room door is closed.”
“So, I guess we have a visitor for the night, right?”

“I guess so.”
“You know, that was really nice of you to do that.”
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