18 July 2008

Funny Friday

Happy Friday everyone. I just got through working out and I don't have the energy to write a new article. Actually, I have writer's block and can't think of anything to say. I really hate it when this happens. I sit in front of the computer and stare at a blank screen trying to think of something intelligent to write (I know, you're thinking, "when has this stopped me before"), but this time I'm at a total loss. Can I just skip a day and do nothing at all, or should I make an effort and post something? With this in mind, I have gathered a few pictures that I found while Stumbling the web. I hope you like them.

funny road sign

Moose on the loose.

funny road sign

Our tax dollars at work.

picture of a snail on the railroad tracks looking back at a tunnel

Did you just hear something?

picture of a flying dog, id=

The dog from Chernobyl.

picture of a guy holding an axe and hitch-hiking

Just axing for a ride.

See also...More photos


  1. I love the sign lane closed to ease congestion - lol! Also does that guy with the ax think anyone is really going to pick him up!

  2. omg, dude expects to be picked up WITH AN AXE IN HIS HAND? too funny.

    I've seen the doggie one before though.

    cute stuff (and yeah, maybe a little scary...lol)


  3. Thanks for the comments. I just love the guy with the axe. It reminds me of a beer commercial I saw once...was it Bud Light?

  4. Thanks, I'll stop by later today.

  5. sexy celebrities25 December, 2010 14:54

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    nice signs..

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    Thanks a lot..

    Comment edited to remove dead links. Original comment made on... 20 July, 2008 19:34


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