Showing posts with label dieting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dieting. Show all posts

18 April 2008

Why You Need to Add Strength Training to Your Workout

Don't you just love counting calories? I know, I hate it too, but it is an important part of any lifestyle devoted to staying fit. Dieting is only part of the equation when trying to lose weight. You must also adhere to some sort of exercise program, which includes both weight training and cardio workouts. Why must I do both? Well, you CAN get away with doing only one or the other, but if you REALLY want to lose weight, and lose it quickly, you need to include both in your weight loss regimen.

Remember when you were in the fifth grade and you started doing word problems in math? Do you recall the problem: which weighed more, a pound of feathers or a pound of iron? The answer is that they both weigh the same. Yes, it's a trick question , but one that I bring up for a reason. There is another trick question on the fitness horizon which deals with muscle and fat. Which weighs more, a pound of muscle or a pound of fat? Well, the answer is the same as in the feather and iron question, they both weigh the same. This question should address density, not of fat and muscle
A pound of muscle is much more dense then a pound of fat. This means that it takes up less space, is much more concentrated in the space it occupies, and it looks better. For example, if you take 5 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscle and place them side by side, you will notice that the fat, as compared to the muscle, takes up a great deal of space. Imagine this on your body. That extra 5 pounds of fat could easily add 1-2 inches, if not more, to your waistline.

Now, I brought all this up to help explain a point. It takes your body more energy to maintain your muscle mass, than it does fat mass. Why is this important? When your body expends energy, we call that CALORIES. This means that the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn.

As you begin your weight training routine, you will begin to lose fat but you will also begin to build muscle. As you weigh yourself, you will start to notice that some days you have actually gained weight. Don't be alarmed, this is only natural. Yes, you will be losing fat, but you will also be gaining muscle mass. This extra muscle mass will not only look good on you, but it will also help to burn even more calories to help you get rid of the fat. My advice, start with the two largest muscle masses: the legs (quadriceps) and the upper back (trapezius).

The magic number is 3500. That is the number of calories that you need to burn in order to lose 1 pound. This is done by using a combination of REDUCING your caloric intake and INCREASING the amount of calories you expend each day. Since the body uses more calories to maintain your muscle mass, you will continue to expend calories hours after your workout has finished. After all, isn't that the goal anyway?

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15 April 2008

Diet is Just Die with a T

Have you ever noticed that when you have something, you really don't want it, but if you don't have something, that is what you want? I've noticed that dieting is alot like this. They didn't name it DIE with a T for nothing.
Today I took my kids to take a State Education Exam. They had just recently moved the offices, so I was not familiar with the area. When I drove up to drop them off, guess what building it was located behind? Anyone? Anyone at all? Well, much to my surprise, it was located behind a Chicago Connection Pizza Restaurant. Now, if your not from Idaho, you may not be familiar with this place. Just let me say that they have the best pizza I have ever tasted!! If you like deep dish pizza just oozing with cheese and grease, then this is your place.
Now, I haven't had one of these pizzas for over 2 years and I have to tell you, I was drooling like crazy. Let me put it this way, to get in the car you would have needed a life preserver. Now, if this wasn't bad enough, there was a Jack in the Box right next door. OK, I've had it. I have a credit card and a free hour and I want to go CRAZY! Does keeping fit have to be so hard?
I can't tell you how much I wanted to pig-out. So I won't. Let's just say that when I have to take them back in 2 weeks for the remainder of their exams, I'll be leaving the credit cards at home. Why tempt fate, right?

10 April 2008

Wait for Weight

For those that are serious about losing weight, there is one thing that you must do: Start! Yes, it is a simple word, yet it conjures up many terrifying images. To start means that you must continue. It means that you have made a commitment to something. It means that you may experience disappointment. I answer YES to all. You will have to make a commitment to continue working out, even if you are tired. You will need to continue, even if you are sore. You will need to continue, even if you just don't feel like it. It requires a change in your attitude and in your lifestyle. It requires a commitment to losing the weight.

Each time I don't feel like working out, I imagine the way I used to look. I imagine going through the rest of my life with Diabetes. Try doing it for an improved self image. Try doing it for your partner. You can do it! It's only 30 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week. Instead of watching TV, workout with the TV on. Hey, everybody has an ipod, listen to it while you exercise.

Now, I know that many of you have very busy schedules and you just don't have the time to devote to exercise. Well, if you have the time to think about wanting to lose weight, you have taken the first step. Next, you need to ask yourself, how serious are you about losing the weight?

If you are serious, then you need to try and find 30 minutes within your day to devote to changing your life for the better. Think of it this way: you are not losing 30 minutes, you are adding precious moments to your life.

Try waking-up 30 minutes earlier. How about spending part of your lunch hour taking a walk? Go to the Mall and power-walk (Most Malls open early for people to power-walk). Don't go it alone, get your family to walk or bike with you.

There will be times when you just want to quit. I know, I've been there. I just went ahead and did my routine anyway and you know what, I felt better. The soreness will disappear as you workout. The fatigue will fade as you exercise. When you are done, and I know that this is hard to believe, you will have more energy.

Go ahead, take the plunge, you will be glad you did.


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