Showing posts with label weight loss tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss tips. Show all posts

18 February 2012

Taking a Day Off from Exercising

I'm in kind of a funk today, because I'm not going to exercise. Yep, you heard me right! I'm taking two days off from my exercise routine. I've worked out every day this week and even though I'm feeling guilty about not exercising, my body is telling me to take a rest.

photo of a cat laying on an exercise bike
image courtesy of...

Since I started my weight loss regime and exercising a little over three years ago, my routine has changed drastically. When I first started, I concentrated on strength training and avoided cardio like the plague. Then, when I started feeling guilty about avoiding the cardio, I did that instead of the strength training. As you might be able to see, I did either one or the other during the week...not both.

Well, no more! Over the past few months I have been incorporating both strength training and cardio in my weekly work outs. I discovered a few good videos through Netflix; one is a Boot camp exercise video, which is 30 minutes of non-stop action and the other is a Pilate's/Yoga mix (40 minutes). I have to admit that when I first saw the Pilate's video, I didn't figure that it would give me much of a workout However, after doing it the first time AND only being able to make it through 20 minutes of it, I have a new respect for it. I have to say that when I finally finish the 40 minutes, I look like I have just gotten out of the shower! I combine these videos with my strength training, alternating each day, and I find that I much more satisfied with my workouts.

Now, back to the resting thing.

 I am at the point where I am so used to exercising each day, that whenever I take a day off, I feel guilty about doing so. Today, as I write this, I am again struggling with taking time off. My body is sore from my week's activity and I KNOW that I have to give my muscles a chance to recover, but I still feel bad for not working out. It may sound strange or even bizarre for me to feel this way, but I do. My mind is telling me that I have to rest, but my gut (as ample as it is) is telling me to ignore the aches and pains and just go for it.

Well, I am forcing myself to take time off and recover. It may not seem like it, but the recovery period is just as important as the actual exercising itself. Your muscles get stretched and torn while working out, that's how they grow, and they must have time to recover and heal. Otherwise, you could do serious harm to yourself. So,  instead of sitting here and feeling guilty over the fact that I'm skipping a few days, I'm going to enjoy myself. I'm going to focus on the fact that my muscles are getting a much-needed rest and that I will be ready to begin again next week.

29 June 2010

Tips Before Starting your Weight Loss Journey

photo of koko in a cabinetI was asked by Angie at Angie's Healthy Living Blog to be a guest author on her site today. In the article I wrote, I will be sharing my motivations for beginning my weight loss journey. So, with this theme in mind, I have decided to dust-off an article I wrote a while back and share it with you once again (my way of saying I'm too lazy to actually sit down and write a new one).

21 December 2009

Beginning Your Fitness Routine

cartoon of a prisoner tunneling under a jail and into a septic tankI haven't written anything about weight loss or fitness lately and seeing as the theme of this site happens to revolve around that, I figure that it's time I jump back on that horse. I know that the last thing anyone wants to think about during this time of year is fitness, but seeing as the New Year is just around the corner and along with it, all those pesky resolutions, I'm going to start at the beginning. Yup, let's take some measurements...

Before you start a weight loss regime, you may want to take a few moments and do a few things. The first and most obvious is to step on the scale and weigh yourself, although that’s probably how you ended-up here in the first place. Next, take a tape measure and measure your legs, hips, waist, (this is the area just above your belly button), chest, arms, and your neck. Why do I need to measure my legs and neck? Well, when you begin to lose fat, the first places where you will see a decrease in size will be the extremities (your legs and arms). Contrary to popular belief, and wishful thinking, the abdominal area is the last place where you will lose the inches.

Now that we have the baseline measurements, I need to talk to you about the frequency of your re-measures. I would suggest NOT weighing yourself everyday. Do all your measurements on a weekly basis. This way you can escape the worst of your normal body fluctuations and not become a prisoner of your scale. To give you an example, when I first started my program, I would weight myself every single day. One day I would have lost a pound or two and I would be ecstatic. The next day I would gain a pound and be depressed. This was especially true after finishing an especially difficult workout; I would even contemplate giving up. Please don’t fall into this trap. Your weight will naturally vary throughout the day, depending on water gain or loss, food intake, etc.

As you progress, you should notice a fairly steady loss of weight for the first 6-8 weeks (in my case it was a total 10 pounds). After this period of time, the amount of your weight loss will become less, usually around 1-2 pounds per week. As you progress in your exercise program and begin to lose weight, your body will have less mass to move, thus it will require fewer calories to burn in order to complete your workout. So, in order to continue to burn the same amount of calories, you will have to work harder (I know, bad news). Also, your body will become adapted to your exercise routine, so you will also have to vary your routine (to see more tips on this, please read my article on Overcoming a Weight Loss Plateau).

To lose weight in a healthy manner is a gradual process. You didn’t gain it overnight, although it certainly seems like it, so don’t expect to lose it overnight. Make your exercise routine a part of your new lifestyle, not a supplement to a diet.

Good luck to you and if I can help in any way, please leave a comment and I’ll get back to you.

Here's a handy chart for your measurements...

06 December 2009

Belly-Up to the Buffet

photo of Yum Yum sleeping with paws covering her eyesAs you are all no doubt aware by now, the Holiday season is upon us and for a good portion of us, that means parties. Yup, 'tis the season to party and enjoy the warmth and com fort of family and friends. Yeah, I know, sounds corny, but I'm still recovering from last month. Anyway, although the party season is in full swing, there is no reason for those of us watching our weight to have to stay in the corner nursing our Diet Coke. Even though you may be on a DIE with a T, you can still enjoy the season and not feel guilty about it. You may be thinking that I have no idea what I'm talking about, but bear with me a few more paragraphs.

Now, we all know that the very essence of a diet is watching what we eat and exercising. So, between your active social engagements, you still need to find the time to exercise. However, when you are at the party and you see the buffet table calling your name, you don't need to run in fear; you can still enjoy the food, just take smaller portions. I know, it is not as easy as it sounds, but if you can discipline yourself to reduce your portion size, you can still enjoy the food. It does not have to be an all or nothing deal, there is a tasty middle-ground that you can visit.

When you see all that wonderful food calling your name, you may think that there are only two choices: you can either dive right in and feel guilty later or you can just grab your diet coke and drool over everyone else's plates; all the while feeling sorry for yourself. But now you know that there is a wonderful third option: that of moderation. You can still enjoy the buffet and have a good time, but you'll no longer have to feel guilty about it.

The short version: take smaller portions of you favorite foods. Yup, it's a no-brainer, but when you're in diet-mode, it's sometimes difficult to accept the fact that you don't need to be miserable all the time. There is no need to deny yourself your favorite things. There is no need to make yourself feel miserable watching others eat, while you stand in the corner and watch. As you have already discovered, going on a diet requires a great deal of self-control and willpower. It also requires that you moderate what you eat. So, what makes a party any different? Yes, there will be more food and there will be food there that you may only have a few times each year. So, do what you do every day: take smaller portions.

An invitation to a party does not have to strike fear in the heart of the dieter. Go and enjoy yourself, because at the end of the night, you will discover that you not only had a good, guilt-free time, but you have also proven to yourself how strong you really are.

04 September 2009

A New Fitness Site

I am honored to announce that I have been asked by Mountain Woman from Red Pine Mountain to co-author a new blog, which will focus on becoming fit through movement. We are not talking about jogging 20 miles a day, but by starting out slowly and building endurance. Exercise can take many forms and we will be discussing the various types of activities you can do. We also want to make it a point to offer help and advice for those who need it. We have both been through the dense weight-loss jungle and we would like to be your guide.

So, I invite you to stop by Get Moving with Mountain Woman and tahtimbo for a visit and if you know of anyone who is on a diet or is thinking of losing weight, please have them stop by.

16 March 2009

Fitness Tips: The Exercise Excuse

close-up picture of a cat staring at you
How many times have you been thinking about starting an exercise regime, but have come up with a variety of excuses as to why you shouldn’t. Some of my own favorites are: I’ll wait until I can afford some new workout clothes; I need a treadmill before I can workout; I don’t have an iPod, and my personal favorite……I’ll wait until I lose some weight first.

Now, I personally have used each of these at one time or another and I must say, I can make it sound convincing. After I convince myself that I need to wait, I promptly forget about the excuse I used and continue on the same way. A couple of months later, when I again deign to see myself in the mirror, the cycle starts all over again.

The saying, “Why put off for tomorrow what you can do today,” comes to mind. We can always find a valid excuse for putting something off; however, what we need to do is to find a valid excuse for actually doing it. We need to stop making excuses and start doing something. We don’t need new clothes to sweat in. We don’t need a treadmill when there is a perfectly good sidewalk outside. We don’t need an iPod to keep us company for 20 minutes, try silence and good old fashioned imagination. Once we put the excuses aside, we can begin to put the pounds aside.

24 January 2009

Dial M for Muscle

As you gaze down upon the Scale of Doom, you notice that it has not moved a bit in fact, you may have gained a few extra pounds. You have been very faithful in fitness routine, so what’s the problem? Is this another weight loss plateau? If you are less than six weeks into your routine, chances are it’s something else. Yet, for those who do not know, it can be every bit as sinister as a plateau. It goes by many names, but I like to call it…Muscle Mass or MM, for short. That’s right, with all that exercising, you are actually toning and building muscle while you are losing fat. Since you are gaining muscle weight, that addition will show up on the scale. This is something that I discovered by accident.

I had been working-out on a regular basis and being faithful to my diet, but the weight was just not coming off. When I went to take my weekly measurements, I noticed that my waist size had actually decreased. How can I lose inches, but not lose weight? This is where MM comes in. I was so obsessed with the Scale of Doom, that I never even noticed that I was building muscle. It was a pleasant shock when I actually looked at myself in the mirror and noticed muscle where none had before existed.

So, next time you step upon the scale and notice no change, just remember that you're not only losing the fat, but you're gaining muscle.

13 October 2008

Delete Cookies, No Way!

photo of a really scared kittyI am sitting here watching my beloved Packers play. I am also watching my wife bake cookies. She is making a double recipe of chocolate chip cookies. Since we had some left-over semi-sweet bakers chocolate (regular and white), she is using that instead of regular chocolate chips.

Here's my problem, I'm on this Die with a T and I really shouldn't be indulging my sweet tooth on such a delicious treat. You see, my sweet tooth is what got me into this mess in the first place. Before I started this diet, I had been a very bad person. One of the things I just loved to do, would be to have ice cream late at night. I'm not talking about just a few scoops, either. Hey, I'm no wimp I take at least a pint. I figure if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it big.

This continued for several weeks and I was happy as a clam (a fat clam). The thing was, I started making it a nightly routine. It turned into something that I HAD to do to make my day complete. Sounds stupid, but I am a creature of habit. If I do something more than a few times, it will soon become a routine and from a routine it becomes a habit...good or bad.

After my yearly visit to the doctor and the diabetes warning, I knew that I had some habits to break, one of them being no more cartons of ice cream at night (which, as you know is the worst time to eat anything). I guess I should tell you that its been over a year since I've had any ice cream.

Now, what does this all have to do with chocolate chip cookies? Well, in one word...moderation. There is no reason why I can't have a fresh, hot, just from the oven, chocolate chip cookie and a nice cold glass of milk. I just can't have a bowl-full of them. It does no harm to have something you shouldn't (diet-wise) now and then. You just have to do so in moderation. If you can limit your intake of the "evil" foods, you will no longer have those intense "must have" cravings for those foods.

Diets are hard enough to stick to, we just don't need to make them any harder. Try and vary the foods you eat each day. Eating the same thing each day not only gets boring, but it can actually derail your diet. They say that variety is the spice of life. We all need something to look forward to and having something different to eat each day can help keep that spice in your life. There will be times when you will be tempted with an evil cookie or piece of cake. As long as you can control your portions, the occasional detour into SweetsVille can be achieved.
Now, about that cookie...

Another article of interest...Dieting and Eating:The Battle Rages

17 September 2008

Just do it...

photo of a cat lying on the floor amidst a bunch of torn-up paper towelsI must say that so far, I am sticking to my guns and I'm exercising on my Nordic Track. Has it been fun? NO, but I'm doing it anyway. Why, because I said I would. I need a little self-discipline in my life, so I figured I could start here.

You may be wondering why I shy away from my ski machine. Well, the simple answer is, I get bored while exercising on it. Yes, I use an iPod to listen to my music, but that doesn't help the fact that I am doing the same thing over and over for 25 L-O-N-G minutes. I currently have the machine facing my bedroom window, so at least I can look out and watch the weeds grow.

With the Total Gym, I am at least able to switch and do different exercises. I am always doing something different so, even if I am doing an exercise I hate, I know that I will be done after a certain number of reps. Not so with the Nordic track, I'm stuck doing the same throughout the entire workout.

To make a long story short, I am going to continue giving my Total Gym a break for the rest of this week and starting next week, I will be going to a 3-on and 2-off schedule. This means that I will strength-train on M,W,& F and do the Nordic Track on T & Th. The following week, I will switch them around, etc. Now, all I need is the self-discipline to continue with that schedule.

16 September 2008

The Exercise Dilemma: Part-2

photo of a cat scratching a car tireNow, I have been going full-tilt for several weeks and allowing only 2 days for my muscles to repair themselves. Obviously, this is not enough time for the muscles to do their work. I need to start reading what I write and apply that knowledge to my situation. I KNOW what I am supposed to do, yet I refuse to do it. I keep exercising the same muscles; I keep putting a strain on the same muscles and I do not allow them ample time to repair themselves.

I have heard that the most successful weight lifters only workout a few times a week. They know that rest is a very important part of the strength-training process. Why can't I see the same thing? Is it because I want to continue seeing results and maybe "rush" the process? I think that is exactly what I am trying to do and in the process, I am doing more harm then good.

Being so close to a problem makes it difficult to see the solution, even when it is right in front of your nose. By stepping back and looking at the entire picture, as I am doing with this article, it is easier to see the solution and apply it accordingly. So, With iPod in hand, I am going to force myself to take a break from strength-training and I will revisit my old Nordic Track to resume my cardio workouts.

see also...The Exercise Dilemma:Part-1

15 September 2008

The Exercise Dilemma: Part-1

Koko doing his workout on my Total Gym
photo of koko on my total gym
I am facing a dilemma: I need to change-out my exercises, but I really do not want to miss-out on the benefits of the exercises I am currently doing.

Now that I have totally confused you with that statement, let me try to explain. For the past several weeks, I have been concentrating on strength training. That is, I have been using my Total Gym almost exclusively. Yes, that's right, I have been sadly neglecting my Nordic track. For the past several weeks, I have been working out a total of five times a week. Although I enjoy feeling the soreness and seeing the results, I have yet to see any results on the scale. In fact, my weight has actually gone up a few pounds.Hence, the reason for mixing things up a bit.

What I need to do is come to realization that my muscles need a rest.

"When you exercise, for example as you lift weights, perform aerobics etc, you will break down muscle tissue in the body. The more you exercise the more tissue will be broken down. When you stop your activities, nature will attempt to rebuild the broken layers of tissue, but a little stronger than last time so the tissue doesn't break as easily. Over a period of continuous destroying and rebuilding, your muscle will grow and adapt to the strain you put on it. The skin will stretch and your body will gain size and strength.When I strength-train, I am putting a strain on my muscles. When this occurs, tiny tears are created in the muscle. As the muscle rests, it repairs these tears and that is how the muscles grow."1

In short, the main portion of the muscle-building process occurs while your muscles are at rest. So, why I am ignoring this very important step? Simple, I'm impatient. I feel that if I am not actively trying to build muscle, than nothing is happening. Although this is far from the truth, it is what I believe. So, I need to do some serious attitude adjustment.

Next time: Part-2

See also...The Exercise Dilemma:Part-2 1

28 July 2008

Motivations and Diets: Part-One

picture of a dog licking a plate in a dishwasherOne of the hardest things to do while on a diet is to remain motivated. I find that there are those times when I just want to chuck the whole thing and have that big, juicy hamburger. Yet, I resist the temptation. Why, because I have found that one thing that motivates me to keep going.

When I first began dieting, my motivation was simple: lose the weight or become a diabetic. Simple and to the point. However, as I continued on my dietary journey, I found that this alone was not enough to keep my spirits up during those “gloomy periods.” You are probably telling yourself that trying to keep from having to prick your finger 4 times a day and have to take several shots each day should be motivation enough. I would have to agree with you, but when I am at my lowest point, possible health issues really don’t concern me. I am not looking towards my long-term goals. I am looking at the here and now.

I know, you think I’m nuts, but I’m being truthful when I tell you this: it just didn’t matter. So, what did I do? I looked in the mirror and saw what I had become: a non-blob. Yes, when I arrive at my first bout of depression, I had been dieting for several months and there were already appreciable results. I had lost over 20 pounds and I could already tell that my waist was smaller. I looked into that mirror and saw something I was no longer repulsed at. I was no longer ashamed to be undressed in front of my wife.

This then, was my motivation...

Tomorrow: Motivations and Diets:Part-2

21 July 2008

iPod Those Pounds Away: Part-Two

picture of a very wet cat with human teeth.So, a few months ago I broke down and purchased an iPod. I figured if I’m going to be serious about this exercise thing, I need to have some sort of motivation while I’m doing it. Let’s face it, if you know you’re going to be bored out of your skull for 30 minutes, will you really be motivated to want to do the exercises in the first place?

This is where the old iPod comes in. After getting the thing, the next task is actually downloading the music, but what type of music should I have? I find that if I have music that has a fast beat, I actually exercise to that rhythm. So, I listen to everything from KISS to the B-52’s. I must say that it has really helped with the boredom issue, because the iPod can also shuffle the songs, so each time you use it, the songs are in a different order (I know, a great big Duhh, but I was new to this).

Obviously, what works for me may not work for you. I like fast music, because it makes me want to exercise fast. I tried listening to slower music, but I just can’t exercise to it. Try to find what you like and do it. If watching TV works for you, then keep doing it. If you like listening to digital books, then go ahead. This is all about fighting the boredom that can come with exercise. Once you can take away the boredom issue from your exercise routine, that will be one less excuse not to exercise.

See also...

iPod Those Pounds Away:Part-1

20 July 2008

Ipod Those Pounds Away: Part-One

electronic road sign that taunts people that they will not get to work on timeI basically use two pieces of equipment in my workouts: The Total Gym and an old Nordic Track. The Nordic Track is one of those old cross-country skiing machines; you know where you swing your arms and move your legs. Well, even though I can cross-country ski, I just don’t seem to be able to use the machine. The first time I tried, I went flying off the back and into the wall. So, I just hang unto the handles and work my legs. Yes, it’s not the “complete” workout experience, but it still gets the job done. Anyway, I said all that, so that I can talk about one thing: Boredom. I have to admit that, from time to time while exercising, I do happen to get bored. But what can you do about it? I have something that works for me and that is an iPod.

When I workout on the Total Gym, I am usually doing so many different exercises in such a short period of time, that I usually don’t get too bored; However, using the Nordic Track is an entirely different story. As I’m sure all of you who jog, walk, or use a treadmill will attest to: you can get bored out of your mind! I’ve tried most everything from pointing the thing so I can look outside, to switching on the TV so I have something to watch. While either of those options does help, I find that I still get bored. I mean, how excited can you get over a view of the back fence and some bushes?

So, a few months ago I broke down and purchased an iPod.....

Tomorrow: Part-Two

See also...

iPod Those Pounds Away:Part-2

17 July 2008

Take the Day Off.

photo of a fat cat sitting up against a wallToday I went to buy some cat food for our starving 13-pound cat. As I was getting ready, I put on a shirt that I hadn’t worn in months and much to my surprise, the think swam on me. Yes, I used to fill this shirt out; I mean there was no spare room at all. Now, there is almost room for another person (but I won’t go there, as I try to maintain at least a PG rating on this blog).

This put me in such a good mood that I celebrated by trying to come up with an excuse not to exercise. I tried and tried and then it came to me: I have to but cat food. The time that I leave to go do that is, coincidentally enough the same time that I exercise. Well, that’s my excuse. However, there is a small problem: I always guilt myself if I don’t workout. So, I also had to find a way around this, and I think I did. I decided to do some work in the backyard. Yes, I know that it is not as intense a workout as my usual strength training, but it’s better then nothing.

Have you ever been in this situation? You decide that “today I just don’t feel like exercising.” Then, you start thinking that if I skip one day I’ll gain all my weight back or that I’ll feel like never exercising again. I have to say that those things come into my mind each time I take a day off. This is especially true when I take a week off in order to help break a plateau.

But don’t worry, these things won’t happen. You have made it this far and one day off now and than will not do any harm. It will actually help you, since it will allow your muscles an extra day to heal. I also think it’s a good thing to take a day off, because it helps break the monotony of the routine. So, give yourself a treat every once in a while. You’ve worked hard and you deserve it.

14 July 2008

Support Forum

photo of a kitten appearing to sing while sitting on a pianoLast week I wrote an article about getting support during your diet. Since then, I actually joined one of the forums I discovered while researching the article. I have been nosing around and have found that the people there are supportive and knowledgeable.

If you are like me, you may not go for those structured support groups. I know that I hate to have to get dressed (yeah, this is difficult) and have to go to a meeting. I spent half my time looking at my watch and waiting for the meeting to be over, so I can go home. Well, with forums you can come and go as you please. If I have a question or concern, I simply leave a message and someone, or in most cases, several people will respond with their advice. The great thing is that these people have already been through what you are now going through.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that if you are still trying to find some advice, support, or just want to vent, please come and visit. Take a few minutes and just look around. As always, if you have any questions, I am here to help. Just leave a comment and I will get back to you. Good Luck.

10 July 2008

Weight-Loss and Support

photo of a cute kitten between two baby ducksFeeling alone and left out when everyone is settling down to a nice meal and your stuck grazing on a salad. To quote the X-Files, you are not alone. There are millions of us out there that are going through the same thing. We are having the same feelings that you are. Unless we all wear a sign that say, “Please don’t feed me, I’m Dieting,” then there is no way to tell who we are.
There are many of us, who are currently on diets that may need to have the extra motivation and support that a group can give us. There are many difficult times during a diet and I find that most of these times occur when we are awake. There is no shame in needing additional support during a diet. Firstly, you need to know that you have taken a very courageous step in deciding to lose weight. Believe it or not, most people do not have the same strength of will as you do. Secondly, dieting is very difficult, why make it more difficult by going through it alone?

Being able to talk to someone who has been through the same trials and tribulations as you are presently going through is a very helpful thing. The feelings and cravings you are experiencing, have in fact been experienced before. To actually know that you are not alone in your quest, is a very empowering feeling. To know that you can ask someone a question at any time can be just what you need to get you through those difficult times. Here are a few online forums where you can go to share your stories and experiences with others. I have viewed them all and they seem to be very helpful:

If you like to have a more structured type of support group, then you could try one of the following:

As always, if you need further assistance or would just like to talk, please leave a comment and I will get back with you. Best of success:)

09 July 2008

Weight-Loss and the Scale of Doom: Part-Two

cartoon of a Walmart greeter gone wildNow, you can go to the one extreme and purchase the type of scale that your doctor uses, but unless you have several hundred dollars to spend just to purchase the scale (add-in the cost of annual calibration as well), than I would opt for one of the less expensive models. Of these, there are two types: Analog and Digital. Now, I have a prejudice against the digital (my current model), so I prefer the analog variety. First, I like the idea of actually seeing the numbers on the dial and second, I like the idea of not having to buy batteries. If you do go Analog, try to find a scale that has a big, easy to read dial.

Before buying your scale, do some research on the web. Pick three or four different scales that you like and then read the customer reviews on each one. Amazon is a good source of customer reviews. Little by little you will narrow down your choice and hopefully purchase the scale that is right for you.

I hope that this article has given you some useful information. As always, good luck in your pursuit of a thinner and healthier you. If I can be of any assistance, please leave a comment and I will get back to you.

See also...


08 July 2008

Weight-Loss and the Scales of Doom: Part One

cartoon of an SUV owner getting gas and being smirked at by a compact car ownerAs you begin your fitness routine, you may want to invest in a valuable resource. This item will not only help you to assess how well you are doing, but it can also act, during certain times, as a great shot-put. What type of multi-tasker can do this: the dreaded bathroom scale.Although you may already own one of these devices of torture, it is imperative that you have one that is accurate.

The best way to test the accuracy of your scale would be to weigh an unopened bag of cat food or dog food several times. If you don’t own a cat or dog, just weigh something that has a known weight. If your scale accurately displays the correct weight each time, you’re good to go. If however it does not, I would suggest investing in a new scale.

I have an old digital scale that stretches to new heights in inaccuracy. For example, I step onto the scale and I weigh 233 pounds. I step off and step back on, and I weigh 238.5. I try it again and I weigh 235.5. So, have I lost 3 pounds or gained 4? There’s no way of knowing, so I spend the rest of the day thinking that I gained weight. Losing weight is hard enough without having to worry about the accuracy of the scale.

Tomorrow: Part Two

See also...


04 July 2008

Dieting and Eating: The Battle Rages, Part Two

picture of a dog and cat with the cat sleeping in the dog's bedI eventually hit a weight-loss plateau, overcame that, and continued on with my same eating schedule. It wasn’t until my wife shared her medical knowledge with me, that I discovered why my weight was staying pretty much stable. My body was in, what she called, a Starvation Mode. Yes, I was still working out. Yes, I was still maintaining my low caloric intake. Yes, I was still drinking like a fish (again, water). Yes, I was still only eating once a day. Yes, my weight stayed the same.

Starvation Mode is when the body feels that it is starving (big surprise there) and starts to hoard any food that is taken in and stores it as fat. It’s afraid to burn any calories, because it thinks it needs them in order to survive. Therefore, any food I ate during my one meal, went directly into fat storage and I was going through the pain of dieting for nothing.

This didn’t really apply during the first several months of my diet, because I had an excess of fat for the body to draw from. However, as I lost that fat and my body had less fat in reserve, it started to hoard what was taken in and use that to survive. Now that I know why I haven’t being losing weight, I need to correct this problem and continue with my Die with a T.

The way to rectify this problem is to let your body know that it isn’t starving, so it won‘t find it necessary to hoard fat. You do this by eating a number of small meals throughout the day. You still continue to maintain the same caloric intake as before, but you spread it throughout the entire day. This way your body will get used to the fact that it is being fueled on a regular basis and thus there is no fear of starvation and no need to save any fat in reserve.

How many meals you choose is up to you. Some feel that 5-6 meals a day is what you should eat. I personally feel that this is kind of excessive. Who has the time to eat that many times a day? For myself, I'm going to eat the usual 3 meals a day, with the largest eaten during the beginning or middle part of the day.

Good luck with your diet and if there is anything you have a question on, or would like to share your experiences, please leave a comment and I will get back to you.

See Also:

Dieting and Eating:The Battle Rages, Part One
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