Showing posts with label internet-marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet-marketing. Show all posts

16 July 2008

I've Dugg my Last Digg: Part-Two

picture of a lot of money behind a security glass in front of a buildingYes, traffic to my site increased dramatically, but it was not quality traffic. I was guilty of the same thing. I had so many Shouts to respond to, I found the only way to get through them would be to just click the button and move on. I had no time to read any of the articles. This is not how I envisioned Digg when I joined. When I start to dread opening my email, then something needs to be done.

So, you need to ask yourself what type of traffic you want to generate: Quality or Quantity? If you just want quantity, then by all means go to Digg and have at it. However, if you want to generate quality traffic, then avoid Digg and find other avenues. What are those other avenues? Well, you’ve heard them all before, but let’s go through them again.

First, write quality content; make people want to stick around and read what you spent so much time writing. Second, submit those article to online publishing sites such as SearchWarp, GoArticles, or eZine. Next, join some social networking sites such as BlogCatalog, MyBlogLog, MySpace, or FaceBook and become involved in the communities. Finally, join forums that are on subjects that interest you (most forums allow you to put your website address in your signature) and be sure to contribute worthwhile comments.

There are other ways, but my fingers are getting tired, so I’ll talk about them another time. Good luck in your adventures!

See also...

I've Dugg my Last Digg:Part-1

15 July 2008

I've Dugg my Last Digg: Part-One

picture of a cat laying across a keyboardWhen I first started with Digg a month ago, I was very optimistic about the results I would see. Before I continue, let me tell you a little about how Digg works. You submit a story and then you send a Shout (a notification) to all your friends. They then go to the site, read the article, and then vote for it. The more votes you get, the higher in the pages your submission climbs, thus the more people will see it. When someone sends you a Shout, you respond in kind. This is how it’s supposed to work.

I joined Digg and after a Digg exchange, I quickly got 119 friends. For the first week or so, things were fine, I received the Shouts and people responded to mine. Then, things started getting out of control. I would log into my email and be astonished to see 80 or more Shouts. I would eventually get through those and then find 20 new ones. It soon became overwhelming.

However, this was not the problem; the problem was that out of my 119 friends, only about 25 of them were actually responding to my Shouts. Here I am spending hours trying to be a good friend, only to find out that the vast majority of them are just deleting my Shouts. The other problem I found, was that the average length of visit to my site lasted less than 5 seconds, basically long enough to find the Digg button and click it.

Tomorrow: Part-Two

See also...

I've Dugg my Last Digg:Part-2
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