22 July 2011

Friday Fotos: 7/23

Math, I can never escape you...

funny math pun
courtesy of... somuchpun.com

19 July 2011

Here's a Cool Thought

I was originally going to post a few pictures of the strip of lawn by our driveway and ask your landscaping ideas on what I should do with it. But, I think I'll just leave that for another day.

Now, since it is SO hot out today, I decided that I would much rather post a photo reminding us of much cooler days yet to come.

Sending you all some cool thoughts...

photo of our flamingoes covered in snow

14 July 2011

Friday Fotos: 7/15

I hope it's not a collect call...

photo of the Earth as seen from space, on an iPhone...when nature calls
courtesy of... somuchpun.com

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