Showing posts with label Koko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koko. Show all posts

20 March 2010

Koko and Yum Yum Make the Big Time

Yes, now that they are gracing the cover of their first magazine, I have a feeling that Koko and Yum Yum will be a lot harder to live with. I mean they were demanding before, but now...

I was introduced to this site by Split Rock Ranch.

26 January 2010

The Further Adventures of Koko and Yum Yum

Because there are a few things going on right now, I have not been updating as much as I would like. So, in lieu of a post which displays my rapier wit and my manic mutilation of the English language, I give you a few more photos of our two felines.

Oh, and you should know that this morning, the one sticking her tongue out again, managed to fish an empty cat food can out of the trash and unroll an entire roll of toilet paper all over the living room floor...

Once again, Yum Yum showing her disdain...

Hanging-out on the cat tree my dad built...

30 September 2009

The Advetures of Koko and Yum Yum

It's been a few weeks since Yum Yum has joined our family and she is quickly becoming adjusted to her new home. In addition to climbing into the refrigerator and being constantly underfoot when we are in the kitchen, she has picked-up Koko's habit of waking us up at 5:30 every morning. On the topic of Koko, they seem to be getting along better each day; it's fun to watch them chasing around the house. Anyway, here are a few pictures for you to enjoy...

What, you talkin' to me...
photo of yum yum

Bird-watching can be so tiresome...
photo of koko and yum yum sleeping by the back door

Do you see a pattern developing here...
photo of koko and yum yum sleeping on the couch

19 September 2009

Koko and Yum Yum

Well, it's been just about five days since Yum Yum was given free-reign of the house and I have to say that she has adjusted quite well. For the first few days, she was still sleeping-off the effects of her surgery, but slowly started to explore. Koko, on the other hand, spent most of those first few days under our bed and when he did come out, he just hissed at her.

Using her feline feminine wiles, she eventually won him over and I am happy to say that they even play together now. Although Koko doesn't appreciate it very much, she just loves to bat at his tail.

Well, I've yammered on long enough, enjoy the pictures...

Yum Yum exploring, complete with laser eyes...
photo of yum yum exploring

Yum Yum working on my next article...
photo of yum yum playing on the computer

Tired after checking out her new digs...
photo of yum yum sitting on the floor

Koko and Yum Yum finally make peace...
photo of koko and yum yum together at last

19 June 2009

Koko Participates in International Box Day

I was just going through my feeds and I discovered it was International Box Day. So, in recognition of this most prestigious of days, Koko would like to take this opportunity to put in his two cents. Oh, if you came here for Friday Fotos, please scroll down.

I sniff at International Box Day...
Photo of Koko in big box

I own this day...
Photo of Koko sitting on a box

Halt! Who goes there...
Photo of Koko sitting in a box

Look what came with my shoes...
Koko in a shoebox

Too tired to do anymore pictures...
Photo of Koko in small box
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