Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

26 May 2009

When Brains Go Numb

photoshopped kokoWhen I first started writing a blog, I figured it would be a piece of cake. Just write a few lines and that would be it. Well, that is the farthest thing from the truth. Blogs require a great deal of thought and dedication. I want mine to be the best, so I strive to write articles with good content. I want to write articles about everyday life and how it affects us. However, there are those days, like today, when ideas just seem to flee. So, I revert to my old stand-by: BS. Well, I do have a college degree: its a BA, not a BS, but I figure it's close enough.

Sometime ago, we installed a squirrel feeder in our backyard. I was somewhat reluctant do do this because I didn't think it would ever be used. Less than a week after I put it up, there were squirrels there. My question: how did they know it was there? Is there some type of squirrel Brian Williams that announces new feeder locations? Do they have a type of "eye in the sky" Feeder Report? This, to me, is a mystery.

Ever go into the kitchen and take-out the can opener only to discover that your cat, who was sleeping on the other side of the house, appears by your legs? What? Do they have the hearing of bats? Do they have a sort of cat sonar that picks-up "can-opener waves?"

You are alone in the house and it's late at night. Your cute little bundle of fur wakes from a sound sleep, goes to the doorway of a dark room and hisses. Do they actually see something? Do they sense something we can't? Or, is it some kind of private "cat joke," an initiation they must perform in order to become a full member of the cat gang.

We interrupt this program to bring you an important announcement: If you are here looking for the Canucklehead Scavenger Hunt, you are one step closer.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled program...

You know, I love the sound of the lawn mower, especially when someone else is mowing our lawn.

I am going to share my tax return with two of my friends: MasterCard and Visa, aren't I nice?

You have bags of leftover Halloween candy in the house. It's December and you never ate it, so you take it to work and give it to your friends. That night, you end up going to the store to buy more candy.

You wash your car and the next doesn't rain. YES!! You feel like you are on the top of the world. You go to the store to buy a big steak to celebrate. When you come back to your car, you notice a huge pterodactyl has pooped right on the hood.

Well, I've been putting it off long enough, the lawn needs to be mowed. I guess I should go out there and watch my wife mow it. After all, I try to be a good husband.

27 December 2008

Points to Ponder

Thanks for stopping by. I have grown lazy and republished this post under a different name. To view the meanderings of my mind, please go to... Some Points to Ponder

30 October 2008

Happy Halloween

I am sorry, but I have moved and renamed this post to The House. Please click through and enjoy the story.

09 September 2008

Alas, the Summer Fades Away

photo of a mad cat next to a statueWell, it has begun. The annual draining of the pool. We have a small 12 foot by 3 foot pool, that we set-up in the backyard each year. Usually it is just my wife and kids that use it. I figure if I would be seen outside without a shirt on, someone might harpoon me. Anyway, this signifies the official end of summer and I for one, have mixed feelings about its departure.

It's not like I dislike summer, it's just that I no longer have the same feelings about it. When I was younger, I would look forward to the last day of school with steely anticipation. Once that bell rung, summer had officially begun. My days would be spent down at the pool with all my friends and my nights would be spent looking forward to the next day.

As I grew older (about age 14), I spent less and less time at the pool and more of my time working. When I did have a free day, my friend and I would walk to theater and see a movie. Soon, even that would fade away to just a memory and the days of summer would become just that...days. I would go to work and go to school ( I went to school during the summer, so I could graduate early); thus the days would pass.

These days, I enjoy watching my kids have fun during the summer. They look forward to it and just hate to see it end. I really hope that they take after my wife and never lose their child-like love of summer.

It's been just about 12 hours now and the pool should be just about empty. As the pool gets dried-off and stored in its box so too, is summer placed in storage for yet another year.

13 August 2008

Finally, Even More Much Ado about Nothing

photo of some cats lounging around inside a limoI’m hungry. Trying to think of something to write about has given me an appetite. Of course, there really isn’t much I can do about it, since I’m on a diet and all. However, I can still think of food. Yet, that isn’t a very good thing to do if you’re hungry and trying to lose weight. Fish and Chips, now there is one of my favorite foods. Put some malt vinegar and some lemon juice (fresh squeezed please) and you have yourself a tasty meal. Of course, you need tartar sauce to dip the fish in; at least I do. I don’t know how you like your fish and chips and I will not presume to tell you how you should eat them. That is assuming that you actually like fish and chips. Flow, blink, flow.

Well, I think I’ve done enough damage for one day. I look upon the page before me and I see many words. The fact that these words have very little value does not concern me overmuch, because I am at the point of shooting the blinking cursor. Is overmuch actually a word? I don’t thing I’ve ever used it before. Although just because I have never used a word before, doesn’t mean that it is not actually a word. That would be thinking mighty highly of myself, don’t you think. Anyway, I think that I will just slink away and try again another day.

See also...

Much Ado about Nothing

More Much Ado about Nothing

12 August 2008

More Much Ado about Nothing

close-up photo of a cat sticking its tongue out at usOK, staring at a blank page. Can I think of something to write about a blank page? Hmm, I am staring at a page that has no images on it. I am staring at a page void of substance, kind of what I am writing now, void of any tangible value. This page is lacking alphabetic characters arranged in a non-random and coherent manner. Hey, that sounds pretty good, maybe I should try and write like that more often. Blink, blink.

Well, I can’t really say that the page is blank anymore, since there are actually words on it. The value of the content may be minimal, but at least there are words on the page. Now, let’s see…let me look around and see if there is anything to write about. Do you notice how I keep jumping from one thing to another? That is not a good thing to do when trying to write an article. The article should flow like a gentle mountain stream. The ideas should flow naturally from one to the other. Do you think that I can use the word flow again, or have I overdone it? Blink, flow, blink.

Next Time: Finally, even more Much Ado about Nothing...

See also...Much Ado about Nothing

11 August 2008

Much Ado about Nothing

photo of a cat licking an ice coneYou know, there are some days when I just can’t think of anything to write about. Have you ever had one of those days? Well, for me it seems to happen every couple of weeks. I just sit myself down in front of the computer and wait for something to happen. Unfortunately, nothing seems to be happening, except for that stupid cursor blinking at me: blink, blink.

It seems that my muse has gone on holiday and left me high and dry. I hope she brings me something back. I think it’s the least she could do after abandoning me. I guess you noticed that I keep referring to my muse as a “she”. Well, the reason I do that is simple: I’m a guy. I think I’m experiencing Writer’s Block. Although there are several ways to overcome it, I simply like to write about the first thing that comes to my mind. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is nothing coming to my mind. To use an internet-marketing term, I think I need to drive traffic to my mind. Blink, blink.

Next Time: More Much Ado about Nothing...

See also...Finally, Even More Much Ado about Nothing

23 July 2008

Random Thoughts

photo of a person getting on a bus that has been painted as a shark.From time to time, I like to dust-off an old entry and introduce it once more. This happens to be one of those times (which means I can't think of anything to write about today). The original title was: Squirrels, Cats, and Lawnmowers and was published on April 8. Hope you enjoy...

When I first started writing a blog, I figured it would be a piece of cake. Just write a few lines and that would be it. Well, that is the farthest thing from the truth. Blogs require a great deal of thought and dedication. I want mine to be the best, so I strive to write articles with good content. I want to write articles about everyday life and how it affects us. However, there are those days, like today, when ideas just seem to flee. So, I revert to my old stand-by: BS. Well, I do have a college degree: its a BA (BAAA...sheepskin, get it?) not a BS, but I figure it's close enough.

  • Sometime ago, we installed a squirrel feeder in our backyard. I was somewhat reluctant do do this because I didn't think it would ever be used. Less than a week after I put it up, there were squirrels there. My question: how did they know it was there? Is there some type of squirrel Brian Williams that announces new feeder locations? Do they have a type of "eye in the sky" Feeder Report? This, to me, is a mystery.

  • Ever go into the kitchen and take-out the can opener only to discover that your cat, who was sleeping on the other side of the house, appears by your legs? What? Do they have the hearing of bats? Do they have a sort of cat sonar that picks-up "can-opener waves?"

  • You are alone in the house and it's late at night. Your cute little bundle of fur wakes from a sound sleep, goes to the doorway of a dark room and hisses. Do they actually see something? Do they sense something we can't? Or, is it some kind of private "cat joke," an initiation they must perform in order to become a full member of the cat gang.

  • You know, I love the sound of the lawn mower, especially when someone else is mowing our lawn.

  • I am going to share my tax return with two of my friends: MasterCard and Visa, aren't I nice?

  • You have bags of leftover Halloween candy in the house. It's December and you never ate it, so you take it to work and give it to your friends. That night, you end up going to the store to buy candy.

  • You wash your car and the next doesn't rain. YES!! You feel like you are on the top of the world. You go to the store to buy a big steak to celebrate. When you come back to your car, you notice a huge pterodactyl has pooped right on the hood.

Well, I've been putting it off long enough, the lawn needs to be mowed. I guess I should go out there and watch my wife mow it. After all, I try to be a good husband.

22 May 2008

The Computer is Mightier than the Sword

cartoon of a man and computer flying by.
Once again, I am sitting in front of the computer with nothing to say. I have tried to think of anything to write about, but I just can’t come up with a topic. I’m just curious, have you ever had this great idea then you run to the computer, wait impatiently for it to boot-up and then promptly forget what you were going to write about? Yup, that’s me.

The question is, why do I have to use the computer to write, I’m very capable to use a pen or pencil. The truth is, I happen to type faster than I can print. For this reason, I need to use the computer to write all my articles. Wow, this is something that I really needed to know. I searched the entire internet to find this site, just so you can tell me that. I feel so fulfilled.

I can tell right now that this article sucks the big wind. Who really cares if I can type faster than I can print? Do you really come to this site to read such mundane drivel as this? Now here’s a word I haven’t used before, drivel. Who ever uses that word anymore? I can’t even remember where I heard it before, probably the movies. Anyway, I give up. I can’t think of anything, so I guess I’ll go eat something. Chow.

16 May 2008

Ode to the Weekend

a Pokemon called Kuriboh
Hurrah! Today is Friday, the best day of the week
I can’t believe I made it; I feel so weak.
I think I’ll go home and put up my feet,
Maybe open the windows and listen to the birds tweet.
On Saturday, I’ll sit by the pool, careful to spray on some deet,
And later I may take the family out to eat.
Sunday, I’ll reward my plants with a well-earned treat
And take a shovel and spread on some peat.
All too soon Monday will come
And I will be forced to repeat my feat.

29 March 2008

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