19 April 2010

Cascadian Farm "Live Green Together" Giveaway

photo of Cascadian Farms giveaway kit

The simple act of unplugging electronics when you aren’t using them not only reduces energy, but could save you as much as 10 percent on your electric bill. You may be asking why this can save energy? Even though your toaster, microwave, coffeemaker, and television are turned off, they still draw a small amount of electricity in order to maintain their internal memories, this is called a Phantom Load.

Hacked Gmail Accounts

Two of my Blogger friends have had their Gmail accounts hacked today. I do have a Gmail account, but I never use it. If you receive ANY Gmails addressed from me please DO NOT open any links and let me know, so I can report it. Thank you

17 April 2010

My French Fry Dip

photo of dill dip

As you may or may not know, I like to make our own home-made fries (yep, another shameless recipe link) and I can think of nothing better to go with those fries, than a good dip. With this in mind, I decided to experiment with a dip I found over at Super Mommy to the Rescue (by the way, I stole the photo from Super Mommy, because her picture turned out a lot better than mine). Well, to the great shock and disbelief of my wife, I actually kept track of what and how much I added, so I am able to share this recipe with you. Although, we used this batch for the fries, this dip can be easily paired with chips or any veggies of your choice.

Putting it together...
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