Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts

05 December 2010

Koko and the Computer

Trying to do schoolwork? Think again...

photo of koko laying on the computer mouse

He is laying on part of the keyboard and the mouse.

03 December 2010

Snow Day

Actually, for the first time in many years, the schools closed for the day (Wednesday). Anyhow, here are the rest of the snow pictures that I took. We had roughly 7+ inches on the ground and when I went out to shovel it (we don't have a snow blower, since it is rare we get this much snow at one time), I quickly discovered that it was a wet, slushy-type of snow; that means more work. Heavy work. Not a good thing, especially for someone lazy like me.

Well, as I said, when I went outside to shovel, I saw out neighbor already shoveling our section of the frontage road. When I got closer, I saw why: he couldn't get his truck onto it. So, the fun began. Together, we were able to shovel to his house and then onto ours. In the process, I helped dig his wife's car out of the snow and he kindly dug a path up our driveway to our garage. In all, it took a total of just over three hours (including breaks) to finish (with an hour and a half just for our driveway). Oh, and so I can have an excuse to include a shameless plug, if you have not seen the photos from the previous evening, you can see them here in the post titled, Let it Snow...Let it Snow...Let it Snow Now, onto the show...

The next day...

photo of snow covered trash cans

01 December 2010

Let it Snow...Let it Snow...Let it Snow...

I figured that I would bore you with some photos taken during our latest snow storm. Enjoy...

These are the little trash cans we use to store the bird and squirrel food. This was taken at around 10:00 pm last night...

photo of the snow covered trash cans

25 October 2010

A Halloween Scare

My sister dug this photo up from somewhere, so I figured that since Halloween is just around the corner, I would give you a big scare...

photo of me as a cub scout

Yep, that's me, many years ago, as a cub scout. Pretty scary, huh?

18 September 2010

A Visit from Rocky Raccoon

Last night, we had an unexpected visitor come to our backyard and dine from our squirrel feeder...

Sorry about the quality of the photos, but in order to even be able to see him, we had to have a long exposure (almost 2 minutes. Yes, we have a cheap camera) on each picture. Since it was such a long exposure and Rocky (yes, I named him Rocky. Catchy, huh?) did not cooperate in remaining still, they are kinda fuzzy.

22 August 2010

Yes, Virginia, There are Dragons

Here is an Asian food market in Beaverton, Oregon where my wife's aunt does a lot of shopping. While my family was there, she took them on a little shopping trip...

photo of the Uwajimaya Asian food market

15 August 2010

Working with a Skeleton Crew

I've been having s lot of problems lately trying to come up with something meaningful to write. Obviously, I have yet to achieve that most desired of goals. So, I have decided to share a picture with all of you:

My wife found this in a display window in front of a shoe repair store in Portland.

09 August 2010

Stormy Weather

Here are a few pictures of some of the storm clouds that came our way last night...

photos of storm clouds

21 June 2010

Happy Monday?

Wake me when it's Friday...

photo of koko under the blankets

15 May 2010

High-Rise Window Washers

While waiting for the bus, my wife captured this shot of the Wells Fargo building with her cell phone. If you look up at the very top, you can see the window washers.These guys are just sitting there and swinging away on a chair-type apparatus, while working. My hat's off to them, because there is NO WAY I would do this..

photo of window washers on the roof of a high-rise

...and yes, the building edge is that sharp.

07 May 2010

01 May 2010

Have Camera - Will Travel

Once again, I was sitting in the parking lot and waiting for my kids to get done with their tests, when this truck pulled up. GO BRONCOS!!!...
photo of the BSU broncos truck

25 April 2010

18 February 2009

Fevers Mean Fotos

I'm not feeling too well at the moment, so I decided to take the lazy way out, and just share a few pictures with you.

This is a picture of "Hiss". He is a snake our kids caught in our back yard. He is over three years old now and he LOVES fish...
picture of a snake

My wife volunteered last week for the 2009 Special Olympic World Games and she was able to take some great pictures. On top of meeting coaches and athletes from all over the world, she was also able to see some celebrities. Unfortunately, she didn't have her camera with her when the star of Scrubs was right in front of her.

Here is a picture of Michelle Kwan with some of the athletes...
photo of Michelle Kwan

A photo of Derek Parra, 2002 Olympic Gold and Silver Medal winner...
photo of Derek Parra

And finally, a picture of a bomb-sniffing dog...
photo of a bomb-sniffing dog

Alright, back to bed for me:(
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